Corporate Crayon supported Pepsi Bottling Ventures in developing and embedding values to create a high-performing & rewarding culture for employees. Discover how Corporate Crayon developed the ‘WeArePBV’ Values and the process of embedding values within Pepsi Bottling Ventures.


Pepsi Bottling Ventures (PBV) is the largest independent Pepsi-Cola bottler in the United States, operating 17 production and distribution sites with over 2,800 employees.

PBV is responsible for the manufacturing of over 25 beverage brands including Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Dr Pepper, bubly, and Gatorade - just to name a few!

The Objective

To support PBV in shifting the culture to enable high performance and growth by developing values and behaviours that foster a high-performing and rewarding environment for employees.

The Approach


Following our unique approach, Corporate Crayon led the end-to-end process of developing and implementing PBV’s values.


  • Discovery - the most important stage of any project is our Discovery phase. For this project we gathered quantitative research data (using the Barrett Values Diagnostic) and qualitative research for insights and validation. This included employee focus groups, executive leader interviews and stakeholder feedback.

  • Connection - aligning the research findings to PBV’s organisation business strategy, objectives, and the culture required to deliver a high performing organisation. To develop values that capture the core beliefs that drive the PBV employees.

  • Human - bringing to life the values with a human-centred approach and align employees’ personal values with the organisations current and desired cultural values.

  • Considered Design - developing the values, their expressions and behaviours was crafted and supplemented with the development of the PBV Values visual branding identity - a key step in crafting and embedding values that inspire and engage employees.

  • Individual Simplicity - supporting PBV, we developed branding guidelines for application simplicity and a suite of considered assets for launch and embedding the values ongoing.

The Outcome

WeArePBV Values - We Are Professional, We Do Our Best, We Add Value


For each value, a set of behaviours were identified from the research and crafted into meaningful actions for PBV employees to demonstrate the new values.

To launch the values, we created collateral, a launch video, merchandise, tools (such as a managers guide and activity card kit), learning and communications support to gain awareness throughout the organisation and educate managers and employees on the new values and behaviours to drive positive cultural change.

Ongoing support was provided to further embed and reinforce the values in the organisation via multiple touchpoints, from the new employee onboarding process to the external corporate and careers website.

The Impact

Developing and embedding the new values and behaviours positively impacted the culture and resulted in PBV being certified as a Great Place To Work in 2023.


Corporate Crayon worked in partnership with our teams to deliver visible culture change through the development and communication of our company values. The team used an insights-based approach, with a keen focus on understanding our strategic goals and our people. Their focus and care to ensure the desired impact and their creative execution is second to none.

- Claire Niver (Former CHRO, Pepsi Bottling Ventures)

Let us partner with you to create your company values and see the impact we can make! Contact us today.