The Central Coast Council is responsible for the sixth largest urban area in Australia, representing the interest of the community and delivering local services and infrastructure. It is a complex organisation employing over 2,000 employees across a range of services.


Project Start Date: February 2023

Project Completion Date: February 2024


Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

The Problem

To develop an EVP that helped attract talent to the organisation, despite its location and helped retain talent who would otherwise look to work in Sydney.  The Central Coast Council had undergone organisation wide changes and was looking to rebuild its internal and external reputation with talent.

The Creative Challenge

To define one talent proposition and brand for the Central Coast Council uniting and representing all directorates and roles. To combine an externally unique and internally common identity to support talent acquisition, engagement, and retention.


Our Objectives

  • To develop a refreshed EVP key messaging & story aligned to Council's people & culture goals.

  • To create a visual language that supports the new EVP messaging, employee experience and council's people & culture objectives.

  • To develop and create a library of assets/ templates that can be used to communicate the EVP to attract and retain talent.

  • Effective implementation to the wider business to include accessibility through language (translations) and functional support.

The Process and Deliverables


Following our unique 5-step approach, Corporate Crayon led the end-to-end process of redeveloping the Central Coast Council EVP.

  • Discovery - the most important stage of any project is our ‘Discovery’ research phase. For this project we conducted interviews with the executive leadership team, a workshop with key stakeholders, focus group with employees, and a competitor analysis

  • Connection - a thorough review and analysis was conducted of the talent audience, research insights, and brand to define the EVP; identifying the key themes, and crafting the expression and employer brand story.

  • Human - as part of our human-centred approach, we engaged with a range of stakeholders for input to ensure the direction of the EVP is relevant and fit-for-purpose to meet the objectives.

  • Considered Design - bringing to life the EVP with an impactful visual identity that embodies the employer brand, and considered communications to launch and embed the EVP both internally and externally. This included user-testing with employees to ensure the EVP branding was authentic and engaging.

  • Simple Application - to support the implementation of the EVP, Corporate Crayon provided clear brand guidelines for simple application of the visual identity, along with recommendations and creative direction for an impactful Careers page and launch videos to communicate the new EVP to attract future talent.

The Outcome


Rewrite the Future

An EVP that is truly representative of the Central Coast Council employer brand. The EVP “Rewrite The Future” reflects the positive attributes, employee experience and opportunities for new and existing talent at Central Coast Council. It combines the unique opportunities that exist across all directorates and roles.


Rewrite the Future brings together the 3 key pillars that encompasses the unique proposition offered to new and existing talent - the core of who Council is, the opportunities that exist to help talent to grow and thrive, as well as the purposeful culture on offer to individuals wanting to feel valued at work, make a difference in the community, and enjoy the extraordinary lifestyle of living in the Central Coast.

EVP in Action

Examples of designed guides, assets and templates for impactful and consistent application

Playbook & Branding Guidelines


PowerPoint Template


External applications the EVP in action - as implemented by the client.



Careers Page


The Result

Measuring the effectiveness of our Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is just as important as implementing one. It’s about having a baseline understanding of the perception of our brand as an employer and evaluating how those perceptions change over time. As a project deliverable, we provided metrics to track and measure the effectiveness of the EVP on the employee experience, talent acquisition and other talent metrics.

need support developing an employee value proposition for your organisation?

Let us partner with you to create an impactful employee value proposition that attracts, retains and motivates top talent!

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